//** Smooth Navigational Menu- By Dynamic Drive DHTML code library: http://www.dynamicdrive.com //** Script Download/ instructions page: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/ddlevelsmenu/ //** Menu created: Nov 12, 2008 //** Dec 12th, 08" (v1.01): Fixed Shadow issue when multiple LIs within the same UL (level) contain sub menus: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39177&highlight=smooth //** Feb 11th, 09" (v1.02): The currently active main menu item (LI A) now gets a CSS class of ".selected", including sub menu items. //** May 1st, 09" (v1.3): //** 1) Now supports vertical (side bar) menu mode- set "orientation" to 'v' //** 2) In IE6, shadows are now always disabled //** July 27th, 09" (v1.31): Fixed bug so shadows can be disabled if desired. //** Feb 2nd, 10" (v1.4): Adds ability to specify delay before sub menus appear and disappear, respectively. See showhidedelay variable below /* 2010-08: Adapted for use in Sandvox 2. */ var ddsmoothmenu={ /* 2010-08-05, ssp: Use shorter times. Check whether they may still be too long. Remove arrow image setup, we do this in CSS. */ //Specify full URL to down and right arrow images (0 is padding-right added to top level LIs with drop downs): transition: {overtime:20, outtime:300}, //duration of slide in/ out animation, in milliseconds shadow: {enable:false, offsetx:5, offsety:5}, //enable shadow? showhidedelay: {showdelay: 40, hidedelay: 80}, //set delay in milliseconds before sub menus appear and disappear, respectively ///////Stop configuring beyond here/////////////////////////// detectwebkit: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("applewebkit")!=-1, //detect WebKit browsers (Safari, Chrome etc) detectie6: document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest, detectoldopera: (window.opera && parseInt(window.opera.version().split('.')[0]) < 11), /* 2010-08-05, ssp Removed getajaxmenu function, our menus are in markup. */ buildmenu:function($, setting){ var smoothmenu=ddsmoothmenu var $mainmenu=$("#"+setting.mainmenuid+">ul") //reference main menu UL $mainmenu.parent().get(0).className=setting.classname || "ddsmoothmenu" var $headers=$mainmenu.find("ul").parent() /* 2010-08-01, ssp Replaced selector a:eq(0) by a:eq(0),.in:eq(0) in the following lines, so we cann affect the .currentItem without an a but just a span.in as well. */ $headers.hover( function(e){ $(this).children('a:eq(0),.in:eq(0)').addClass('selected'); }, function(e){ $(this).children('a:eq(0),.in:eq(0)').removeClass('selected'); } ) $headers.each(function(i){ //loop through each LI header /* 2010-08-01, ssp: Use really high z-index, so we are sure to exceed z-indices used in all designs. */ var $curobj = $(this); //reference current LI header /* 2011-09-22 & 2013-03-06 (jQuery 1.9), ssp: Opera < 11 does not render the submenu items when the z-index line has run, do not run it in that case. */ if (!ddsmoothmenu.detectoldopera) { $curobj.css({'zIndex': 6000-i}); } var $subul=$curobj.find('ul:eq(0)').css({display:'block'}); $subul.data('timers', {}) this.istopheader=$curobj.parents("ul").length==1? true : false //is top level header? /* 2010-08-01, ssp: The following lines removed because we handle the padding in CSS in Sandvox. $curobj.children("a:eq(0),.in:eq(0)").css(this.istopheader? {paddingRight: smoothmenu.arrowimages.down[2]} : {}).append( //add arrow images '' */ /* 2010-08-01, ssp: Slightly change DOM, to take into account the span.in and the potential lack of link. Old DOM: a > img New DOM: a > span.in > img for items with a link and span.in > img for .currentPage. Also remove style="border:0" because it's part of our CSS already. */ var firstLink = $curobj.children("a:eq(0)"); var element; if (firstLink.length == 1) { element = firstLink.children(".in:eq(0)"); } else { element = $curobj.children(".in:eq(0)"); } /* 2010-08-03, ssp: Don't use images like original but insert a div instead, which will be styles approriately by CSS. */ element.append(''); /* 2010-08-05, ssp: Remove shadow code, we do this in CSS. */ $curobj.hover( function(e){ var $targetul = $subul; //reference UL to reveal var header = $curobj.get(0); //reference header LI as DOM object /* 2012-09-30, ssp: Get li sizing information. Moved here from initialisation because Opera 12 can give incorrect values there. */ if (!header._dimensions) { header._dimensions = { w: header.offsetWidth, h: header.offsetHeight, subulw: $targetul.outerWidth(), subulh: $targetul.outerHeight() }; } $targetul.css({ top: header.istopheader && setting.orientation!='v'? header._dimensions.h + "px" : 0 }); clearTimeout($targetul.data('timers').hidetimer) $targetul.data('timers').showtimer=setTimeout(function(){ header._offsets={left:$curobj.offset().left, top:$curobj.offset().top} var menuleft=header.istopheader && setting.orientation!='v'? 0 : header._dimensions.w menuleft=(header._offsets.left+menuleft+header._dimensions.subulw>$(window).width())? (header.istopheader && setting.orientation!='v'? -header._dimensions.subulw+header._dimensions.w : -header._dimensions.w) : menuleft //calculate this sub menu's offsets from its parent if ($targetul.queue().length<=1){ //if 1 or less queued animations $targetul.css({left:menuleft+"px", width:header._dimensions.subulw+'px'}).animate({height:'show',opacity:'show'}, ddsmoothmenu.transition.overtime) if (smoothmenu.shadow.enable){ var shadowleft=header.istopheader? $targetul.offset().left+ddsmoothmenu.shadow.offsetx : menuleft var shadowtop=header.istopheader?$targetul.offset().top+smoothmenu.shadow.offsety : header._shadowoffset.y if (!header.istopheader && ddsmoothmenu.detectwebkit){ //in WebKit browsers, restore shadow's opacity to full header.$shadow.css({opacity:1}) } header.$shadow.css({overflow:'', width:header._dimensions.subulw+'px', left:shadowleft+'px', top:shadowtop+'px'}).animate({height:header._dimensions.subulh+'px'}, ddsmoothmenu.transition.overtime) } } }, ddsmoothmenu.showhidedelay.showdelay) }, function(e){ var $targetul=$subul var header=$curobj.get(0) clearTimeout($targetul.data('timers').showtimer) $targetul.data('timers').hidetimer=setTimeout(function(){ $targetul.animate({height:'hide', opacity:'hide'}, ddsmoothmenu.transition.outtime) if (smoothmenu.shadow.enable){ if (ddsmoothmenu.detectwebkit){ //in WebKit browsers, set first child shadow's opacity to 0, as "overflow:hidden" doesn't work in them header.$shadow.children('div:eq(0)').css({opacity:0}) } header.$shadow.css({overflow:'hidden'}).animate({height:0}, ddsmoothmenu.transition.outtime) } }, ddsmoothmenu.showhidedelay.hidedelay) } ) //end hover }) //end $headers.each() $mainmenu.find("ul").css({display:'none', visibility:'visible'}) }, /* 2010-08-05, ssp Remove custom menu colour and shadow code, we do this in CSS. Remove AJAX menu building, our menus are in markup. */ init:function(setting){ $(document).ready(function($){ //ajax menu? ddsmoothmenu.buildmenu($, setting) }) } } //end ddsmoothmenu variable